Sunday 28 September 2008


Yesterday I found (and bought) this cute dress in a nice shop in Terni (Umbria), Asia Trading/Home Shop.
Lately I discovered the label: YUMI.
"Yumi is an eclectic collection that creates a fun, fashionable and individual look that integrates shape and colour to flatter every figure and form. Garments are based on funky feminine cuts that combine big personality with street-style. Inspiration; mini dresses, 60’s shift shapes, bubble shapes and classic Biba styles are complemented by a huge range of prints and colours including eye-catching vintage patterns and striking retro styles".
The UK site
Some followers:

Sienna Miller

A girl from Flickr

An Ebay-er

Per me la vita é elusiva

residencePortrait, originally uploaded by theo79.

"Per me la vita é elusiva. Con una foto catturi la realtà per sempre."..."Non c'è niente di più reale di una foto." diceva. "Nè lo specchio, nè un quadro, e neppure un volto..è la fotografia che rivela al meglio il carattere di una persona. Una foto è simile a un impronta digitale. Non puoi contraffarla.."
Curt Leviant
Diario di un Adultera

Saturday 20 September 2008

closed for teen series

>I'm sorry I can't update my blog until I finish all GG episodes>
and there's also 90120 (beverly hills' spin-off) to start

Tuesday 2 September 2008

rome vintage set

I have an apartment in rome since yesterday.
Finally, after 1o months of hotels.
It's pretty strange coming back to this town, where I've been living for 6 years..
I've surely changed a lot in the last 3 years, still..I keep feeling this magic city.
Let's celebrate with a vintage sp session in "my" apt
The entire set here.